Connect Trials
As part of our preparations for 'Distance Education', we will be conducting two Connect trials across all classes Kindy- Year 6. The first trial will take place on Monday, 6 April whilst the second trial will take place on Wednesday, 8 April. The main objective of these trials is for parents/caregivers to logon to Connect, read the Notice and access the few items that have been uploaded by staff. This will provide parents/caregivers with the opportunity to engage with the Connect platform itself and become familiar with its features. Please Note: This is a system test only- not a programme of work.
After reading the note and following the instructions provided, it would be greatly appreciated if parents/caregivers follow the instructions on the Notice and send a reply back to your child/ren's classroom teacher via the Comments section at the bottom of the notice itself. e.g. Paul Smith- I could access all the files. By completing this task, staff will be able to note which families are able to successfully access the materials, and which are not. This will allow teaching and office staff time to follow up with those families from whom we haven't received a reply, or to assist those who have experienced difficulty. Information will be made available on Connect today regarding how to manage notifications so that you only receive a notification when a new notice is created. This will avoid parents/caregivers receiving a notification each time someone responds to a Notice that has been posted.