Circus Lap-a-thon
Even though we were under cloudy skies, staff, students, family and friends really enjoyed the opportunity to come together as a school community for our 'Circus' Lap-a-thon. There was a colourful array of costumes on display during the day.
Many thanks to all the parent/caregiver volunteers who helped out during the day for set up/pack away or in the canteen. Thanks also to those many parents/caregivers, family and friends who came down to support the students. Particular thanks to the P&C Fundraising Committee for making all the arrangements for the day. Once again, it was a very smooth operation.
Please have a read through the information sent home via Connect regarding payment options. All pledges need to be back at the school or deposited into the P&C accounts by Friday, 30 October. Winners of the major prizes will be announced at the 6 November assembly. Thanks to all.