5 cent Friday- Friday, 7 May
Our first Student Councillor fundraiser for the Term 2 will be 5 cent Friday. 5 cent Fridays are an initiative of the Love Your Sister organisation, which was co-founded by the actor Samuel Johnson and his sister, Constance. Over the last eight years, the Love Your Sister organisation has donated over 13 million dollars to fund research projects into vanquishing all types of cancers. Sadly, Constance passed away from breast cancer in 2017, but before she died, she wanted to create the biggest, shiniest love heart she could. Over 50 million 5c pieces were collected by the organisation across Australia in a single day in 2017. This is over 2.5 million dollars in 5c pieces! On Friday, 7 May (Week 3), students will be asked to bring in as many 5c pieces that they can. The Student Councillors will then use the collected coins to create a big, shiny heart somewhere in our school. Start saving your 5c pieces in a small jar ready for the big day next term.