Wombat Crossing and 'Kiss and Drive'
As communicated out to parents/caregivers at the start of the week, there has been a change to the 'Kiss and Drive' area and the pedestrian crossing on Kelvin Street closest to the staff car park. This crossing point is now pedestrian priority, so all drivers approaching this area will need to stop for any pedestrians approaching the kerbside. At present, there is no signage to indicate the changes to priority access, nor indication that this is a pedestrian crossing. This has been followed up with the City of Bayswater, so I am hopeful that signage will be in place in the coming week. In order to meet 'line of sight' requirements in respect to the wombat crossing, the 'Kiss and Drive' bay has been cut in half. For those families that utilise this area, please be mindful that the wait times to get into the bay may be longer than experienced last year. If this becomes problematic, it may be a better option to park your car and collect your child or alternatively consider another pick up point around the school site