Your P&C

Working together to support the students and staff at Maylands Peninsula Primary School.

The P&C (Parents & Citizens Association) is responsible for some crucial tasks of our school including running the canteen, uniform shop and fundraising activities.  The P&C organise events for the school community that our kids love and also provide invaluable additional funds for the school.

In recent years, the P&C have donated funds to cover the cost of Mathletics for all students, purchased iPads, laptops and robots for classrooms, organised the recycling program, and most recently installed wonderful additions to the school playgrounds and completed the vibrant and positive toilet project.

Read the P&C FAQ's for more information about the P&C, what it does and how you can get involved.

Join the next P&C Meeting

Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month during school terms, or online via Microsoft Teams, by emailing for the meeting link.

All members of the school community are welcome to attend from 6.30pm in the school library. See below for how to become a member of the P&C so you can vote or get involved.


Please contact or catch up with Megan Parker if you would like to get involved.

Function of parent representative/s

  • Coordinate one fundraising and/or community building activity or event per year with support of fundraising convenor
  • Informally communicate relevant information from the P&C to the parents and caregivers in your cohort who don't have time to attend meetings
  • Let P&C know about any issues, concerns, or ideas specific to your cohort meetings, you can do this by attending meetings, email or through other reps and the convenor
  • Liaise with parent representatives from other year groups as required.
  • Provide hand over to another parent if you decide not to continue after this year.


  • Attend a meeting with fundraising convenor in week one of Term 2 to discuss the fundraising schedule for this year
  • Think about what event would suit the availability and skills of the parents and caregivers in your cohort. New ideas are welcome
  • Attend fundraising committee meetings in the lead up to your chosen event, and other meetings as available
  • Canvas availability of other parents and caregivers in your year group to collaborate with you on elements of planning and execution, and delegate accordingly
  • Close to the event/activity, encourage parents and caregivers in your year group to get involved on the day
  • Coordinate and communicate with the volunteers (rosters, reminders etc)
  • Ask for help from fundraising convenor and other cohorts' reps whenever you need it!

Who will the role suit?

  • Busy people!
    • The role is great if you would like to be involved in P&C activity but can't commit year round
    • You can have a lot of say in the timing of the event/activity for your year group
    • You don't have to do everything, delegation is encouraged
  • People who love to collaborate
    • 2 or 3 people can share the role
    • You can draw on support and advice parent reps from other years
    • You can channel people you know to contribute in a way which is meaningful to them
  • People who love community building
    • You will use your existing connections and get to know even more people
  • People with great ideas
    • You may have noticed an event or opportunity that you think is great for our school. This is the perfect way to take action and make it a reality.

2024  P&C Membership

Everyone is encouraged and welcome to attend P&C meetings. The more volunteers and support the P&C receives, the better we can assist the school in supporting our kids!

In order to become a financial member of the P&C committee, which entitles you to vote on any issues raised at the P&C meetings, members must:
1. Attend a meeting
2. Complete the membership form and pay $1 annual membership fee
That's It! You can now nominate for positions at the AGM and vote in the election process and any issues raised at monthly P&C meetinsg.

P&C FAQ's   Recycling Station


The P&C relies on volunteers and are always happy to welcome more. Below is a list of some of the ways you can help the P&C and our students by volunteering.

2024 P&C Office Bearers

President:  Ash Greig
Treasurer:  Hitesh Hans
Secretary:  Sinead Kelly
Executive Members:  Lauren Clarkson Dodd, Ruby Ong Elepano, Kelsey Hunt, Megan Parker, Robyn Chesney, Eden Winnacott

Appointed Roles

Sustainability Convenor:  Kelsey Hunt
Uniform Shop Coordinator:  Lauren Clarkson-Dodd
Fundraising Coordinator:  Megan Parker
Canteen Coordinator:  Pia Cullen

P&C Contacts

Megan Parker- Email fundraising if you would like to be involved or volunteer to run an event

Uniform Shop:
Lauren Clarkson-Dodd

Pia Cullen and Helen Tennant

P&C Email-


The Maylands P&C Association is a member of The Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Inc. (WACSSO). WACSSO is the peak body representing parents of public school children in Western Australia. To see what resources are available or to subscribe to receive WACSSO news updates visit

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