Yirra Yaakin
On Friday, 19 May and Monday, 22 May students in Years 1-6 had the pleasure of watching a Yirra Yaakin performance called 'Lingo Lah Lah '. Yirra Yaakin creates, presents, and celebrates First Nations theatre, performance and stories.
The play is set in Margaret River, a well-known place in in the south-west region of Western Australia that lots of us have visited. The play is about two dogs called Big Dwert and Little Dwert.
Big Dwert and Little Dwert were very mean to Koolungar (child) but they got their punishment because the Lingo Dingo put a spell on them so they couldn't use their lingo (voice). Big Dwert and Little Dwert had to solve multiple riddles to find their lingo. They flew to Meeka (the moon) with the Wardung Djirraly (the crows feathers) and retrieved their lingo.
The play made us feel excited and worried while we were watching. We learnt to not ignore people, that everyone should be treated fairly and not to exclude your friends.
In conclusion, the play was enjoyed by everyone, and we look forward to watching them again next year!
By Isabelle Becker and Madeleine Paull
S2 students